Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Favorite Lines...

I love movies and music.
Here are some of my favorites lines:

"the Wife- I wan to work at the factory.
the Husband- Factory is no place for a woman!
Wife- And to be on your butt all day is no place for a man either"
(Angela Ashes)

"Have you ever looked fear in the face and said -I just don't care"

"You're my new master now, and I love you... SQUIRELL!!!"

"By marrying me, you just kissed yourself a princess"
( The Princess and the Frog)

"I rather hurt than feel nothing at all"
(Lady and tabellum)

"Fool! don't you know that no man can't kill me?
Eowyn- I'm no man, I'm a woman!"
(The Lord of the rings)

"I'm sweating like a sinner in church"
(The princess and the frog)

"the problem in doing the right thing is that sometimes you're got stand all by yourself"

"I rather die tomorrow because I met you, than live 100 years without knowing you"

"He is no mosnter Gaston, you are!"
(Beauty and the Beast)

"Patrick- did you see my underwear?
Mermaid- No!
Patrick- would you like to?"
(Sponge Bob Movie)

There are so many, I wish I could remember all of them.