Thursday, November 12, 2009

and I just cried and cried...

Yep! Because I felt like the most horrible mother on the earth today... Man! I'm sooo greatful for the gift of the Holy Ghost, he really saved my life today as I was stuck at the supermarket parking in lot with a car that would not freaking shut off the alarm system, and with four kids in the car hungry and tired and three of them were just CRYING their heads out because they all want to go home!!!

And everything started as I was at the store, for a few minutes, and a lady on the car next to my decide to call the police when I showed up and told them about my unattend children... I just couldn't believe that was happening to me... I just cried and cried... why? Because I couldn't start the car, I couldn't get the stupid alarm to shut it off because we never had the locker!!! (I'm so angry!!) and to make it worst, when the police officer arrived, the idiot lady stood there starring at me like I was the worst mother on the planet! That does it! She really got what she wanted from me and that is to make feel like a was not a good mom... and I felt like that... I am still feeling that I am a horrible mother!
AWWW!!! How sweet what just happen to me right now, my dear daughter just gave me a kiss and a hug... she probally felt I was in need of some love. Her kiss and hug I'll take as a testemony from her that I'm not a bad mom... thanks a lot darling!
How the Holy Ghost saved me? Well, as I sat in the car crying and praying, a very soft voice spoke to me and said how I could stop the alarm for going off. He told me to lock the car from the inside and to give tha car key to the police officer to open the door from the outside, and guess what? It work!
What A afternoon! Thank goodness I wont take that as MY WHOLE DAY was ruinned, but just as an AFTERNOON... that will do just fine.

3 comentários:

Cristiane said...

Menina, que situacao!!! Que velhinha intrusive!!! Deixa ela pra lah, vai ver ela tah tao velha que nem pra ouvir seu alarme ela conseguia! hahahaha

Eu estou prestes a saber como eh ser mae e jah me preocupo se me sairei bem, imagine tu que jah tem varios filhotes... o Senhor as confiou a vc, tenho certeza que Ele esta muito feliz por ter te tornado mamae!!!

Fica triste nao querida. Espera soh meu menino nascer, aposto q vc vai rir das minhas atrapalhadas como

Cristina Wilberg & Angela Cloward said...

From: Stefanie
I have had that EXACT experience with my car alarm too!! It happened over and over in the Costco parking lot, luckily Jonathan came to my rescue cause he didn't work far away.

I have left my kids unattended too! Once in Oregon to run into the farmers market to grab something for dinner and as I was leaving a lady came in calling "Someone left their children in the car and it's too hot!" When I said it was my children and I was leaving right then, she just glared at me. I felt like the world worst mom too!

Why do we do that to each other as women, like we don't feel bad or guilty enough for EVERYTHING!!!

I know your a GREAT mom!! It's just plain hard to take care of 4 children, we are spread so thin and trying our very best! Unforunately, we are human and have limitations.

Keep up the good work!!

Cristina Wilberg & Angela Cloward said...

From: Lisa Wilberg
Hey Cris, I'm glad everything worked out for you that day. Don't sell yourself short as a mother. I think you are a wonderful mother and have may talents and special gifts that you share, not only with your children and husband, but all of us as well. I hope you are having a better day. How great are our children, who are sensitive enough to recognize when, we as mothers, have hit our breaking point and bring us back to realty with a simply hug and kiss and to realize how very blessed we are.

Love ya!